- Aggregate impact value test gives an indication of aggregate’s toughness property (i.e. property of a material to resist impact)
- Aggregate impact values are used to classify the stone aggregates with respect to toughness property as given below.
Aggregate impact value (%) | Toughness Properties |
<10 | Exceptionally tough / Strong |
10 – 20 | Very tough / Strong |
20 – 30 | Good for pavement surface course |
>35 | Weal for pavement surface course |

- The test equipment and the test procedure are quite simple and it determines the resistance to impact of stone aggregates simulating field condition.
- This test can be performed even at construction site or at stone quary, as the apparatus is simple and portable.
- Aggregate impact value test also gives an indirect indication of the strength characteristics of aggregate.
- Aggregate impact value of a sample also depends on the shape factors such as flakiness index and elongation index of the aggregates.
- It has been found that for majority of aggregates, the aggregate crushing value and aggregate impact values are numerically similar within close limits.
- For deciding the suitability of soft aggregates in base course construction, aggregate impact test is commonly used.
- A modified impact test is also often carried out in the case of soft aggregates to find the wet impact value after soaking the test sample in water.
- Maximum allowable aggregate impact value of aggregate in different types of pavement material / layers as per IRC is as below
Types of pavement material / layer | Aggregate impact value, maximum, % |
Sub-base course and water bound macadam (WBM) layer | 50 |
WBM base course with bitumen surfacing | 40 |
Built up-spray grout, base course | 40 |
Wet mix macadam (WMM) base course and WBM surface course | 30 |
Dense bituminous macadam binder courses | 30 |
Bituminous Surface dressing, carpet and bituminous concrete surface | 30 |
Cement concrete surface course | 30 |
13. Aggregate impact valuesof soft aggregates for road constructions are as follows
Test Condition | Maximum permissible aggregate impact value of soft aggregates, % | |
Sub-base and base | Surface course | |
Dry impact test | 50 | 32 |
Wet impact test | 60 | 39 |
What is criteria of soft aggregate identification