There are some field tests that can be carried out in the field in order to check the quality of sand used for construction. Following tests may be carried out to ascertain the properties of sand:

Field Test on Sand
- Take a glass of water and add some quantity of sand in it. Then shake it vigorously and allow it to settle. If clay is present in sand, it will form a distinct layer at the top of sand.
- In order to detect presence of organic impurities in sand, add sand to the solution of sodium hydroxide or caustic soda and then stir it. If colour of solution changes to brown, it indicates the presence of organic impurities.
- Take a pinch of sand and taste it. If tasted salty then there exist some salt in sand.
- Take sand and rub it against the fingers. If fingers are stained, it indicates that sand contains earthy matter.
- The colour of sand will indicate the purity of sand. The size and sharpness of grains may be examined by touching and observing visually.
- For knowing fineness, durability, void ratio, etc; the sand should be examined by mechanical analysis.
procedure for silt content test for sand?]
You have confirmed to me that what I have been basing on in order to choose good sand for concrete is right and being widely used by other people. But in the test for clay to what extent of the thickness formed on top in relation to the overall thickness should be allowed in terms of percentage in case it shows little presence of clay.
good information sir thank you….
thanks for your help.
How to know good quality of sand and aggregate for construction. Which is good for construction and how to easily the quality.plzz can u help sir???