The development of one or more local swellings on the finished plaster surface.

The development of one or more fissures not assignable to structural cause.

The development of a series of hair cracks on the finished plaster surface. Known as ‘map crazing’, when it forms a haphazard pattern over the wall surface affected.

A deposit of soluble salts on the surface of the plaster or background.

The scaling away of patches of plaster surface due to lack or loss of adhesion with the previous coat.
The appearance on the surface of the plaster of the pattern of joints or similar breaks in the continuity of the surface characteristics of the background.

The removal of substantial areas of plaster work from the background.

Popping or Blowing
The appearance on the surface of the plaster of conical hollows (pops or blows) in the backing and/or finishing coats.
Really it is a great article and more helpful to get the best assistance for plaster work. I am very glad to go through this kind of helpful blog. Thanks for sharing a nice blog.
thanks for your posting. So, what are some of the possible causes of each of these 8 symptoms? thanks again. vincent
Yes its true
Thanks for promoting to Civilian’s Mr suryakant
Nice and easy language use
your definitions are easy to understand