Definition – What is Bitumen Emulsion?

Bitumen emulsion is a mixture of water & bitumen. Hey wait, we know that bitumen is a oil product and it cannot be mixed with water. That is why we add an emulsifier (a surface active agent) with water before adding bitumen. Addition of emulsifier with water facilitates breaking of bitumen into minute particles and keeps it dispersed in suspension.
Therefore we can say that a bitumen emulsion is a liquid product consisting of three things, (i.e. water + Emulsion + Bitumen) where droplets of bitumen are suspended in water.
Production – How is it Manufactured?
The production of bitumen emulsion consists of two primary steps.
In the 1st step water is mixed with appropriate emulsifying agent and other chemicals. The type of emulsifier to be used depends upon the ionic nature of the mix.
The 2nd step is the addition of bitumen with the water-emulsifier mix. This is done in a colloidal mill. Depending upon the use, the amount of bitumen to be added with water may range from 40 to 70%. Water-emulsifier mix and bitumen is pumped to a colloidal mill. The colloidal mill breaks the bitumen into tiny droplets. The average diameter of these tiny droplets of bitumen is about 2 micron. Here comes the role of emulsifier. Emulsifier creates a coating of surface charge around the bitumen droplets that helps to keep these tiny particles away from each other. It also helps to keep these particles in a dispersed form.
After completion of the 2nd step, the bitumen emulsion is pumped into storage tank.
Classification – How to Classify Bitumen Emulsion?
There are two different ways to classify bitumen emulsion, as given below.
- Based on surface charge
- Based on setting time
Depending upon the type of surface charge, bitumen emulsions are primarily classified into the following two types.
- Anionic Bitumen Emulsion
- Cationic Bitumen Emulsion
In case of an anionic bitumen emulsion, bitumen particles are electro-negatively charged, where as for cat-ionic emulsions, bitumen particles are electro-positively charged. Now days cationic bitumen emulsion are most commonly used.
The choice of bitumen emulsion (i.e. whether anionic or cationic) to be used depends upon the mineral composition of aggregate used for construction. In case of silica rich aggregates, the surface of the aggregates are electro-negatively charged. Therefore a cationic emulsion should be used. This will help better spreading and binding of bitumen with aggregates.
When bitumen emulsions are applied on aggregates, water starts to evaporate causing separation of bitumen from water. And then bitumen spreads on the surface of the aggregate and acts as a binding material and slowly attains its strength.
Depending upon the speed at which water evaporates and bitumen particles separate from water, it is classified into following 3 types.
- Rapid Setting Emulsion (RS)
- Medium Setting Emulsion (MS)
- Slow Setting Emulsion (SS)
Note: Here the word “setting” should not mean attainment of strength; rather it means the time taken by the bitumen to separate from water.
In case of rapid setting emulsion, bitumen is intended to break rapidly. Therefore this type of emulsion sets and cures rapidly.
Medium setting emulsions do not break spontaneously when applied on aggregates. But the process of breaking starts when fine dusts of minerals are mixed with aggregate-emulsion mix.
Slow setting emulsions are manufactured by using special type of emulsifier, which makes the setting process very slow. These types of emulsion are relatively stable.
Factors Affecting Setting of Emulsions
The following factors affect the setting & curing of bitumen emulsion mixes.
- Water absorption of aggregate
- Surface texture of aggregate
- Amount of mineral dust in aggregate
- Aggregate gradation
- Mineral composition of aggregate
- Intensity of charge on aggregate surface
- Type of emulsifier used & its quantity
- Atmospheric condition, climatic conditions
- Wind velocity & altitude
- Drainage conditions at construction site
Applications – What are the Uses of Bitumen Emulsions?
- Emulsions are used in bituminous road construction work. They are especially helpful for maintenance and patch repair works.
- Emulsion can be used in wet weather even when it is raining.
- Also emulsions have been used in soil stabilization, particularly for stabilization of sands in desert areas.
- A rapid setting type emulsion is suitable for surface dressing and penetration macadam type of construction.
- Medium setting type is used for premixing with coarse aggregates.
- In case of fine aggregates, the surface area of aggregate is more and as a result long duration of time is required to mix the emulsion. Therefore slow setting emulsion is preferred which gives sufficient time for uniform blending of the mix.
What are the Advantages & Limitations of Bitumen Emulsion?
- The strength properties of bitumen are preserved in emulsion mixes since emulsions do not need hot mixing. Generally cold mixing or just slightly warming the ingredients of the emulsion mix are done for construction of pavements.
- Emulsion can be used in wet weather even when it is raining.
- Emulsions possess anti-stripping properties.
- Emulsions with lower viscosity or thinner consistency improve spreadability and allows better coating of the bitumen on the surface of aggregate.
- There is no wastage during laying and storage.
- Since emulsions are water based, there is less effect on the environment.
- It is the least energy intensive of all construction material: there is no need to heat.
- No one type of emulsion is suitable for every work. it depends upon whether the aggregate is acidic or basic in nature..
- The setting time may vary depending on the air temperature, wind velocity and type of emulsion.
- There is a wide range of curing time; a suitable emulsion mix needs to be designed for a particular need, i.e. we need to determine for each case, the optimum quantity of emulsion based on zone, type of emulsion, mix grade and desired mechanical properties
- It has limited storage time (ranging from few days to six months)
What are the constituents of rapid and medium bitumen emulsion
Sir what are basic difference between oil base and water base bitumen emulsion
any advise welcome I have a ready supply of recycled asphalt and the ability to mix in a lab setting, my question is what would I need to add to a cold asphalt mix to make it stay soft and workable for a number of weeks to months later for use in pothole repairs and is this a relatively easy process and would it be cost effective to produce in house as my company would use all that was produced and would not be dependant on sales
What is the Breaking and Coating Time of SS2 type of Emulsion
Hi, I have butumin emulsion for sale (low price), voetstoots as some contains some solids. Tonnage not kg.
Feel free to contact me 0829291370
Dear all,
Please share kind of filler is suitable with cationic bitumen resin?
2) Which type of bituminous emulsion is generally used for road work, if aggregate is having +ve charge?
i am to use bitumen as my rooftop slab waterproofer. ss1 can be used as the primer. since, the emulsion contains water in it, i have a doubt weather when the water evaporates the emulsion, small halls will be there when bitumen is set. any pointers?
What are acid and base solution form of cationic bitumen emulsion with what dosage?
Can we mix water in emulsion for prime coat
emulsion bitumen has water already in it..application of emulsion bitumen as a prime coat must be carried out as per the manufacturer’s recommendation.
Hello I am a construction chemicals Researcher i want to make a bitumen emulsion cold applied. I am confused about the emulsification when to be added and how much added. I have soft bitumen in paste solid form should i mix it with MTT?
Hello 🙂
What happen if I use 99% of calcium chloride flakes in preparing the emulsifier mix. Previously, I only used 77% of calcium chloride. Is there any effect on my bitumen emulsion stability. Hope to hear others comment too 🙂 THANK YOU in advance.
same question?
Does it effect the stability of emulsion
Am an engineer & I am already doing a lot of Bitumen works. My company owns bitumen spray tankers & bulk bitumen haulage tanks .However bitumen emulsion is a new entry into my country s bitumen businesse..I am interested in understanding this aspect bitumen works to the extent of reproducing the all the emulsion myself
Dear Patrick,
Would you be interessted in obtaining Butumin emulsion at very low price for some “experimental” work.
Samples can be arranged free f charge, only transport to be paid.
I am in the Greater Johannesburg area.
what are the benefits of using bitumen emulsion in cold mix?
It is cheaper and safer to produce than solvent base cold applied while giving the same end result.
thats wrong pleae see Is 8887.
After application, does the emulsion get slipery when wet?
Very informative.
Excellent and well written article
Very useful and precise