The danger caused by segregation is difficult to repair and very costly. Therefore necessary precautions should be taken to avoid segregation.

Precautions to Take
- The concrete mix should be properly designed with optimum quantity of water to make a cohesive mix. Such concrete will not exhibit any tendency for segregation.
- Field quality control must be maintained while handling, transporting, placing & compacting and finishing concrete.
- If at any stage segregation is observed, then remixing should be done to make the concrete again homogeneous.
- Admixtures, such as pozzolanic materials or air entraining agent should be used to avoid segregation. Air entrainment permits a reduction of the mixing water with no loss of slump which increases workability and decreases segregation and bleeding.
- Concrete should not be allowed to fall from greater heights. It should be placed as near its final position as possible.
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